Did you know that Old Navy at Marple Crossroads has family friendly activities that your kids can go to while you are shopping? If your kids are like mine you always need to give them a little bribe to get them to go shopping and these events wont' break the bank, most are FREE!
On Thursday April 16th and Thursday April 30th they will be having DVD day in their New Kids Play area. DVD are appropriate for all ages.
On Saturday April 25th from 12-3p they will have a flip flop decorating day. Customers can bring in a pair of Flip flops from home or buy a pair of our 2 for $5 flip flops and decorate them for the summer. The activity is free (unless you need to buy flip flops).
For more information: call 610-604-0190
Location: Old Navy Marple Crossroads Springfield, PA