The Media Arts Council will host this month’s 2nd Saturday Arts Stroll on June 12, 6-9pm in coordination with the 10th annual State Street Blues Stroll. Arts activities and exhibits will complement the many musical performances, and feature many works by and for kids!
Original work by young artists from three Media-area elementary schools will be on display:
· The Free Library of Media Upper Providence will exhibit work from Media-Providence Friends School, including colorful Picasso-inspired busts, recycled house sculptures, and cardboard people.
· Rose Tree Elementary School students share their murals at the Sweet Potato Café. “Meet the Artists” reception 6-7pm.
· Artwork from Glenwood Elementary School students will be on display at O’Malley’s Ice Cream.
The Franklin Mint Federal Credit Union will host face painting by Pink Zebra Face Painting, and a unique necklace painting activity with artist Jolie Shamlian.
In addition to these events, M.A.C. hosts many art exhibits and arts activities during this family-friendly, community event. More than 40 businesses on and around State Street in downtown Media will participate. Many activities are free.
The 2nd Saturday Arts Stroll is a free, family-friendly, monthly event offering visitors the opportunity to participate in concerts, exhibits, and activities featuring local artists and musicians. Businesses in downtown Media extend their business hours to host these events.
The Media Arts Council works to support local artists and integrate a wide range of arts into the life of the entire community of Media, PA. M.A.C. is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization accepting donations from the community that will support our programs. All donations are tax-deductible. For more information about M.A.C. featured artists and musicians, upcoming events, and a map of monthly 2nd Saturday events, please visit www.mediaartscouncil.org.
For more information: www.mediaartscouncil.org.
Location: various business along State Street in Media
This event is appropriate for:the whole family
Cost: free to attend