Dollar Days at the Delaware Museum of Natural History

Admission only $1 to Delaware Museum of Natural History
during Artisans’ Bank August Dollar Tuesdays 2011

Every Tuesday in August, the Delaware Museum of Natural History is partnering with Artisans' Bank to lower admission prices to just $1 per person during August Dollar Tuesdays. Visitors are invited to explore the wonders of the natural world at the Museum for just $1 on August 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30, 2011 courtesy of Artisans' Bank.

Admission includes entry to the special exhibit, Turtle Travels, where families can experience the world from a turtle's perspective. Live turtles are on view in special tanks and visitors can learn more about the obstacles these creatures face in their daily lives. Hands-on activities include a life-sized board game, radio tracking equipment, a "Swiss Army turtle," and more.

Elsewhere in the Museum, galleries showcase Delaware's only dinosaurs on permanent display, a life-sized model of a giant squid, a coral reef walkover, an African watering hole, and exotic mollusk and bird collections. The Larry Scott Nature Trail and Butterfly Garden reach their peak this time of year, and visitors can cool off inside to view a nature film in the DuPont Auditorium.

Artisans' Bank is the presenting sponsor of August Dollar Tuesdays.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the popularity of this event, admission will be first-come first-served and may be limited or restricted at peak times. The Nature Nook will be closed all day. 

WHAT: Artisans' Bank August Dollar Tuesdays

WHERE: Delaware Museum of Natural History, 4840 Kennett Pike, Wilmington, DE, 19807

WHEN: Aug. 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30 (every Tuesday in August)

HOURS: Open Tuesdays 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

ADMISSION: $1 per person. May not be combined with any other discounts, promotions, or offers.