Fall Harvest Festival at Newlin Grist Mill

Fall Harvest Festival

Saturday, October 5th

10 am - 4 pm

This year, there will be an abundance of colonial crafts and tradesmen (and women) demonstrating traditional skills like cooking, brewing, distilling, chair caning, blacksmithing, and milling. Shop in the small market fair featuring freshly baked bread, stone ground corn meal, handmade 18th-century bricks, and brooms. Visit the farm yard featuring Delilah the dairy cow. Festival favorites such as pumpkin painting, colonial dancing, games, and hayrides (weather dependent) will be ongoing throughout the day.

. This event will be held rain or shine.

For more information: http://www.newlingristmill.org/

Location: Cheyney Road & Baltimore Pike (US Route 1) in Concordville, PA 19331

This event is appropriate for the whole family

Cost: Admission is free. Parking is $5/car