Arden Drama School hosts Free Open House

Arden Drama School hosts Free Open House Sunday, March 11, 2012

Arden Theatre Company welcomes children and families to Arden Drama School’s Free Open House on Sunday, March 11. Kids in grades K-5 are welcome from 10am-noon; Teens in grades 6-12 are welcome from noon-2pm.  This event provides an opportunity to meet Arden Drama School faculty and take mini-classes in Acting, Improvisation, Shakespeare, Musical Theatre, and Storytelling. Backstage tours and light refreshments will also be provided.

The Open House will be held at Arden Theatre Company at 40 N. 2nd Street in the heart of the historic neighborhood of Old City Philadelphia. To RSVP to this free event, please contact the Arden Box Office at 215-922-1122 or

Arden Drama School’s spring semester begins March 12, with multi-week classes and one day workshops for kids and teens. Special camps and intensives are offered the week of spring break:

Monday, April 2 - Friday, April 6 • 9am - 3pm
Grades K - 5 • $315 (Includes camp T-shirts)
An action-packed theatre camp taught by theatre professionals. Kids will spend the week taking storytelling, acting, improv, music, dance, and design classes, all while creating a theatre piece of their very own. Each group of campers, guided by their teachers, will create a world-premiere production that they present on Friday afternoon!

Monday, Apr 2 • 10am - 3pm  • Grades 6-12 • $65
Spend the day working with theatre professionals on honing your singing, dancing and acting skills. Perform songs from some of your favorite musicals and showcase the work you did at the end of the day to family and friends!

Wed, Apr 4 • 10am - 5pm  • Grades 9 - 12 • $80 (includes show ticket) •
Study, rehearse and perform scenes from Cyrano. After a backstage tour, watch the 2pm matinee performance and participate in a talk back with the actors from the show.

Summer Camp registration is also now open. Details and registration for camps for Kids are available online at
Details and registration for camps for Teens are available online at

To enroll or for more information, call the Arden Box Office at 215.922.1122, visit us online at, or stop by the box office. Arden Theatre Company is located at 40 N. 2nd Street in the heart of the historic neighborhood of Old City Philadelphia.